Voice Over Travel Rigs and Recording Hacks for the Road with Jay Preston
Nov 18, 2021
Recording from the Road
You aren't a real voice actor until two things have happened. First... you get the Game Show Host scam and second... you've posted a picture on social media of your pillow fort recording set-up! These are two essential rights of passage!!
My guest this week is an expert traveler who spends many months on the road every year. If there's a way to build a better pillow fort, make recording from the road sound almost studio grade, or even save a few bucks on hotels, Jay Preston has figured out the tip and/or hack and he's sharing them all in this info packed episode!
Jay Preston - https://www.jaypreston.com/
The Booth of Us - http://www.theboothofus.com/
The Voice Over Collective - https://www.thevoiceovercollective.com/
Gear List - https://www.thevoiceovercollective.com/homestudio
Jay on Instagram - @coffeeandwine
Jay on Twitter - @jaypreston
Marc on Twitter - @marcscott
Marc on Instagram - @marcscott
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* Thanks to "Uncle Roy" for production assistance!
Visit http://antlandproductions.com
* Thanks to Christy Harst for VO contributions!
Visit https://christyharst.com
* Thanks to Krysta Wallrauch for VO contributions!
Visit http://krystawallrauch.com