$97.00 USD

The VOpreneur® Content Compass

Do you struggle with social media because you're never sure what to post? Or you think your life or business isn't that interesting? Or you just don't have time to do it consistently?

We can fix that!

In this 60 minute workshop you're going to learn a very clear and easy path to follow for creating quality content consistently and with much less stress!

Social media gives you access to a global audience for free. It's a tool every voice actor should be taking advantage of it.

In this class you'll learn...

  • How to build an idea factory.
  • How to plan ahead and in bulk.
  • How to build a targeted social campaign.

Best of all, what you learn is fully transferable to any business or side hustle.

What People Are Saying:

This course is undoubtedly a necessary tool to strengthen the marketing of my voiceover business on social media. One hour with this course and I already have many ideas and a list of posts I developed for the next 3 months.

Adrián Khalifé

This was quite informative and a HUGE help! I've already started brainstorming and have come up with my main pillars and have branched off of each with so many other ideas! I have a much clearer understanding of social media and what to post!

Virginia Kramer

Marc’s Content Compass was an eye-opener for me. From someone who actually struggles with having too many ideas, learning how to best sort out and categorize my ideas has been a game changer for me. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by what I would post on social media, I now have a strategy for using all of my ideas, one at a time, rather than trying to incorporate them all into one post! The visuals of the pillars made all the difference for me.

Debra Fowler

This was down-to-earth, brass tacks advice that we can actually use. I appreciate the practical nature of your [workshop] and that it didn't get stuck in theory, although there was plenty of theory behind it. It's actionable info that we can put into practice. One little shift from you in this [workshop], and it has nudged me onto the right track and made it all seem not only possible, but fun, based on your framework.

GM Hakim

I’ve not seen a more thorough and helpful crushing of the ‘what do I post on social media?’ fear. Clearly presented and easily understood, the presentation provides a really big key to unlock and release that fear. Excellent.

Michael Baer

I love the "Content Compass" title: you pointed us in the right direction, and gave a lay of the land. Now, my path there and how far I go depends on me.

Michael Prescott